Our Useful Documents

A list of useful documents released in the main from the Bishop’s Office from 2003 until the present.

2021 Parish Statistics Form for Return by 31st January 2022 (Word)

Permission to receive into full communion Form (Word)

Permission to receive into full communion Form (PDF)

From the Bishop’s Office:

Norms on ‘Eucharistic Services’ (PDF)

Norms on the Sacrament of Reconciliation (PDF)

Internet & Social Media Guideline (& Norms) for Clergy of the Diocese of Lancaster (PDF)

Guidances for School Masses/Liturgies with the Bishop

The Episcopal Visitation Form 2019 (in Word)(PDF)

Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation (Confirmation Guidance from the Bishop’s Office)

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in 2018 with groups of no less than 12 candidates unless celebrated as part of a scheduled Visitation weekend.  If an individual parish does not have these numbers, then they might like to consider joining a neighbouring parish for a joint celebration.  Confirmation need not be celebrated each year but every two or three years.

Blessing of School Entrance (This document is provided here in a Word document so that schools may adapt it for their own needs).

The Directory on the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Lancaster (2.5MB) 


Diocesan Policy on the Resignation of Priests and Deacons (April 2010)

Directory on the Canonical Status of the Clergy (from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales – 2009)


Homiletic Directory from the Congregation for Worship, Rome

Church Councils:
(Documents promulgated on 21 January 2017)


Constitution & Diocesan Norms for a Deanery Pastoral Council

Constitution & Diocesan Norms for a Parish Pastoral Council

Constitution & Diocesan Norms for Parish Finance Committees

Data Protection (GDPR)

Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYODP) Diocesan Officials and Employees issues 

Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYODP) Diocesan Volunteers Issues

Privacy Notice for the Diocese of Lancaster -Full Version 

Privacy Policy – short version   

Computer Usage Policy -Full Version

Computer Usage Policy- Short Version

Data Protection Policy for the Diocese of Lancaster  

Protocols for all computer users in the execution of any Diocesan function in the Diocese of Lancaster

Diocese of Lancaster General Data Protection Regulations Complaints Policy 

The Sacrament of Confirmation:


The Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI on Confirmation

What Canon Law says about Confirmation

What the Catechism says about Confirmation

The General Introduction on Christian Introduction:ChristianInitiationGeneralIntroduction_1.pdf

Reflection: ConfirmationPerfectsBaptismalGrace.pdf

Reflection: ConfirmationSealsUsWithGiftOfTheSpirit.pdf

Encyclical of Pope John Paul II, Dominum et Vivifiantem:  DominumEtVivificantem.pdf

Papal Addresses: GiftsOfTheHolySpiritAddresses.pdf

Apostolic Instruction regarding the collaboration of the non-ordained: RegardingTheCollaborationOfTheNon.pdf

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: RiteOfChristianInitiationForAdultsIntroduction.pdf

Introduction to the rite of Confirmation: RiteOfConfirmationIntroduction.pdf

School Chaplaincy & Youth Ministry:


Chaplaincy in Catholic Schools –


Youth Ministry in the Diocese –


Coronavirus (COVID-19) March 2020

Liturgical Decree for the Diocese of Lancaster issued by Bishop Paul Swarbrick 

Prayers supplied by the  Liturgy Office of the CBCEW used during COVID-19 

Perfect Contrition and Spiritual Communion

Diocesan Lead/Coordinator for the Coronavirus: Canon Paul Embery phone 01229 582205 or 07842660891

Email: paul.embery@lancasterrcdiocese.org.uk

Canons of St Ambrose & St Charles (2014): Constitution

