Our Marriage Tribunal

Was mine truly a marriage as the Church understands it? Am I able to marry again in the church? In my circumstances what needs to happen so that I can resume going to Holy Communion?

Many people look for the answer to such questions after the breakdown of their marriage or marriages, and for this they turn to the Tribunals of the Church.

Each diocese is required by the Church to have a Tribunal, which has the principal duty of giving a prompt and fair answer to questions concerning marriage. Staff are drawn from the laity, both married and single, as well as from deacons and priests.

Lancaster Diocesan Tribunal has responsibility for the processes affecting marriage, of which there are several; each is distinct. These include those concerning lack of form, previous bond and undispensed impediments, as well as lack of baptism and also nullity. The latter petitions form the greater part of the Tribunal’s work. When looking at the possibility of resolving a particular situation, the facts of the marriage will decide which, if any, is appropriate in the specific circumstances.

If you would like to make an enquiry about your position, or wish for further information, you should write to the Judicial Vicar at the address below, indicating simply that you would like to take action about your situation.

Your letter will be acknowledged with an explanation of the next steps. The Tribunal is always pleased to offer you advice and assistance once full relevant information is available.

Judicial Vicar: The Rev Sony Joseph DCL

Contact Tribunal Office:

Tel: 01524 596062 Fax: 01524 596052

Email: FrSonyJoseph@lancasterrcdiocese.org.uk

